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Error when editing and restoring image
47 posts


We have recently updated to Relatude v5.0.2079, and are suddenly experiencing issues with image editing. When clicking the "Image" button, I try to resize an image. Then if I click restore, the image screen is replaced with the customer's own 500 error web page. And after some seconds I get a message with the following details:

Server error: Timed out waiting for image restore. 

Error type: Exception

Server stacktrace:
   at WAF.API.NativeSession.RestoreImageFileEdit(String loginToken)
   at WAF.Server.Controllers.APISessionController.RestoreImageFileEdit(String loginToken)
120 posts

Hi Anna,

We looked at this and it appears to be a bug in the server code.

( Causing a recursive loop resulting in stack overflow )

We will include a fix for this in the next update.  We expect a released tomorrow.

Sorry for the inconvenievce and hope it has not cause too much troupble for the client.


Thanks for reporting the issue!

47 posts

Thank you for the quick solution!



47 posts


How is the release going?

181 posts


Sorry for the delay. We hope to publish the new release later today.. I'll let you know when it is published.



47 posts

Do you know which version of Relatude that caused this bug?
Was it one of the latest?

181 posts


The update that fixes the restore function has been published. It took bit longer than anticipated to publish the update due to other improvements that had to be included.

47 posts

I've now tested both locally and in the test environment. Some times all has worked out fine. Some times I get this error:

I have saved Content.definition and have run Ensure all database fields, Ensure base data and Ensure data integrity

Server error: Access to the path 'D:\www\\data\WAF\Files\Content\2681590\103572\2021dde8-6fb3-4c94-a27c-262b2e467bb8\image.jpg' is denied.
Error type: UnauthorizedAccessException
Server stacktrace:
   at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
   at System.IO.File.InternalDelete(String path, Boolean checkHost)
   at WAF.Engine.FileSystem.FileSystemProviderDefault.FileMove(String sourceFileName, String destFileName)
   at WAF.Data.DataAccessObject.UpdateContent(ContentData contentData, Int32 userId)
   at WAF.Data.DataAccessObject.UpdateContent(List`1 changedContentDataList, Int32 userId)
   at WAF.Engine.WAFEngine.UpdateContent(List`1 contentDataList, WAFSession WAFSession)
   at WAF.Engine.WAFSession.UpdateContent(List`1 contents)
   at WAF.Engine.Content.ContentBase.UpdateChanges(Boolean updateChangeDate, Boolean invokeEventMethods, Boolean queChangesForIndexing, Boolean validateValues)
   at WAF.Engine.Content.ContentBase.UpdateChanges()
   at WAF.API.NativeTempStore.MoveToFileProperty(ISession session, ContentPropertyPath propertyPath, Guid collectionId, Int32 fileIndex, Boolean autoCrop, Boolean keepOldFile)
   at WAF.Server.Controllers.APIUploadController.MoveToFileProperty(Guid uploadId, String propertyPath, Int32 fileIndex, Boolean autoCrop, Boolean keepOldFile)

120 posts

Hi, could we arrange for a Teams session with a shared screen? Tomorrow at 10?
