Built-in segment conditions

Relatude ships with a range of different segment conditions. Below is a list of the conditions currently shipping with Relatude

  • BrowserCondition
    The browsercondition allows you to create a condition based on the browser of the visitors.
    Condition scope: Session.
    Operators supported: Contains, Equal, Not equal and Does not contain. 
  • CityCondition
    The city condition allows you to create a condition based on the city the visitor is currently browsing from.
    Condition scope: Session
    Operators supported: Contains, Equal, Not equal and Does not contain  
  • ContinentCondition
    The continent condition allows you to create a condition based on the continent the visitor is currently browsing from.  
    Condition scope: Session
    Operators supported: Contains, Equal, Not equal and Does not contain 
  • CountryCondition
    The country condition allows you to create a condition based on the country the visitor is currently browsing from. The information comes from the GeoIP system in Relatude.
    Condition scope: Session
    Operators supported: Contains, Equal, Not equal, Does not contain
  • DayOfWeekCondition
    The day of week allows you to create a condition based on the day of week the current visitor is visiting. 
    Condition scope: Session 
    Operators supported: Equal and Not equal 
  • ExternalSearchKeywordCondition
    This allows you to create a condition based on search keywords the user performed on the last pageview on the external site, before coming to this site. Note that Google totally blocked this information in October 2013, so this cannot be used to segment based on searches on Google.
    Condition scope: Session, Visits
    Operators supported:  Contains, Equal
  • FileDownloadedCondition
    This allows you to create a condition based on the files a user has downloaded. 
    Condition scope: Session, Visits
    Operators supported:  Equal, Contains
  • FunnelCondition
    Allows you to create a condition based on the visitors completion or non-completion of a given funnel.
    Condition scope: Session, Visits
    Operators supported:  Contains, Does not contain
  • InternalSearchKeywordCondition
    Allows you to create a conditioon based on the search keywords the visitor has used on the site.
    Condition scope: Session, Visits
    Condition operators:   Equal, Contains
  • IPAddressCondition
    Allows you to create a condition based on the IP address of the visitor.
    Condition scope: Session
    Operators supported:  Contains, Equal, Not equal, Does not contain, Starts with, Ends with
  • LandingPageCondition
    Allows you to create a condition based on the landingpage of the visitor.
    Condition scope: Session, Visits
    Operators supported: Equal, Not equal, Startswith, Endswith 
  • MemberOfGroupCondition
     Allows you to create a condition based on if the visitor is a member of a given group. If the visitor has logged in during one of his visits, the userid will be stored in a cookie, and used to lookup if that userid is a member of a given group. Since that might be stored on a public machine, this condition should never be used to display confidential information. Use the proper access rights in Relatude if you have confidential information you want to publish.
    Condition scope: Session
    Operators supported:  In, Not in
  • NumberOfPagesInAVisitCondition
    Allows you to create a condition based on the number of pageviews that visitor have visited in the current session.
    Condition scope: Session
    Operators supported: Equal, Not equal, Greater than, Greater than or equal, Less than, Less than or equal 
  • NumberOfVisitsCondition
    Allows you to create a condition based on the number of visits the visitor have made to the site.
    Condition scope: Visits
    Operators supported: Equal, Not equal, Greater than, Greater than or equal, Less than, Less than or equal
  • OperatingSystemCondition
    Allows you to create a condition based on the operating system used by the visitor.
    Condition scope: Session
    Operators supported: Equal, Not equal 
  • QueryStringCondition
    Allows you to create a condition based on what the querystring contains.
    Condition scope: Session, Visits, Request
    Operators supported:  Contains, Equal, Not equal, Does not contain, Starts with, Ends with
  • ReferrerCondition
    Allows you to create a condition based on the website the visitor came from when the visit started. 
    Condition scope: Session, Visits
    Operators supported: Contains, Equal, Not equal, Does not contain, Starts with, Ends with
  • RegionCondition
    Allows you to create a condition based on the location of the visitor when browsing the site.
    Condition scope: Session
    Operators supported: Equal, Contains, Not equal, Does not contain 
  • TimeOfDayCondition
     Allows you to create a condition based on the time of day when the visit starts.
    Condition scope: Session
    Operators supported:  Greater than, Greater than or equal, Less than, Less than or equal
  • UserPropertyCondition
    Allows you to create a condition based on one of the properties on the visitors user node.
    Condition scope: Session
    Operators supported:  
  • VisitedPageCondition
    Allows you to create a condition based on the pages visited in the current scope.
    Condition scope: Session, Visits, Request
    Operators supported:  Equal, Not equal
  • VisitedPageTypeCondition
    Allows you to create a condition based on the pages visited in the current scope.
    Condition scope: Session, Visits, Request
    Operators supported:  Equal, Not equal