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Article publish state changed
8 posts

Hello Webnodes,

I wonder if it is possible to catch event when article is changed to Published state in case when Release date occurred (ReleaseDate == DateTime.Now).

I try to use this without success:

public override void OnAfterRevisionAction(RevisionAction action, ContentBase newContent)


    base.OnAfterRevisionAction(action, newContent);



So only way how to catch it, is to create workflow and checking when release date occurred?

Thank you!

181 posts

The confusion here is due to the fact that an article is always published if it's waiting for a release date to occur. A node can be published, but not available, if the release date is in the future.

If it's not published, it never checks the release date.



8 posts

Thanks for explanation.

So do you have some event in system which raises when article changed state to Available (Release date occurred).

Or do I need to create some workflow method to achieve this?

(We wnat to send some notification when article is available)

Thank you!



181 posts

Unfortunately, at the moment, there is no event in the system to hook into. We definitely see a need for this, and our plan is to develop a system wide event system.

The easiest way to solve this at the moment is to setup a scheduled task that checks release date.
