I have an EnumerationPropertyClass referring to an Enumeration with two Values:
In the EnumerationPropertyClass, I have now changed the Default Value from 0 to 1, expecting "Private" to become the default value. This does not seem to work as there's still no default value when creating a new object of the class containing this EnumerationPropertyClass.
From Content.definition:
<Property Guid="9ad5f689-3869-4611-9b6a-6468fb9095d9" CodeName="Type" PropertyClassGuid="7d08c6fb-28f7-4d30-b407-439e018d2402">
<Integer Guid="04c9d779-672a-4d8e-ad50-1cc884b21dc1" Key="Value" Name="type" Default="1" />
<EnumerationReference Key="Enumeration" Value="bbf236ab-c687-4a8e-bc76-1435af6ad77c" />
Do you have any idea why?
Sincerely, Anna