I have an issue with removing a relation and saving the changes.
I have a content of HierarchicalContent wich have a contentChildrenProperty which have a relation where the page is the parent and the child is a contentClass of base class HierarchicalContent. The property has Control type set to CheckboxList. I am able to check one or more of the items in the list and save. When I then try to uncheck one of the items and save I get an error saying "Failed to save." Further the error say:
Invalid LCID in content path: e1eed599-4225-40a4-8ed9-5277354d02c0.
Error: Invalid LCID in content path: e1eed599-4225-40a4-8ed9-5277354d02c0.
at new r (https://appservicecdn.azurewebsites.net/dist/2090.444.release.09-12-2020/ui.js:12:1557)
at https://appservicecdn.azurewebsites.net/dist/2090.444.release.09-12-2020/ui.js:12:2241
at Array.map ()
at Function.getPaths (https://appservicecdn.azurewebsites.net/dist/2090.444.release.09-12-2020/ui.js:12:2234)
at Session. (https://appservicecdn.azurewebsites.net/dist/2090.444.release.09-12-2020/ui.js:118:15684)
at Generator.next ()
at https://appservicecdn.azurewebsites.net/dist/2090.444.release.09-12-2020/ui.js:118:327
at new Promise ()
at __awaiter (https://appservicecdn.azurewebsites.net/dist/2090.444.release.09-12-2020/ui.js:118:75)
at Session.deleteRelations (https://appservicecdn.azurewebsites.net/dist/2090.444.release.09-12-2020/ui.js:118:15560)
Do you have any thoughts or solutions to this issue?