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Problems rebuilding v1580>
58 posts

I'm having big problems rebuilding a site with the latest build (1587). I tried downgrading it to 1580 with no luck. It seems that the generated file /Models/WAF/ODataService.cs is the culprit. It does not seem to find the assemblies for the different attributes (EntityPropertyMapping and DataServiceKery etc). I try to reference the attributes in other classes before compiling and everything seems to be fine (VS finds the references and no compile errors). What is wrong here? In the tooltip on the file in the offending file list in the compile dialog in edit, I can see that the compiler complains that it can find the assemblies two places.. Any help is appreciated.. been banging my head against the wall last night and today on this one! :)

58 posts

Ok.. tried a couple of things, but haven't gotten any closer to getting the rebuild to finish. I removed all the attributes that the compiler complained about and got it to recompile. But after some seconds, the dialog closes with no message/error for me to investigate. The samme happens if I ignore all the compiler errors. Any ideas? I'm running out of them myself here..

181 posts


Could you describe a bit more what you've done? You had a site that you upgraded to 1587? and when you do a full rebuild afterwards, you get a lot of compile errors? Is it MVC or Webforms?



58 posts

I was hoping I did a successful upgrade to MVC5(v. 4.51. Everything works just fine when compiling in VS2013, but it just stops when I rebuild in edit. There are no errors in the "Errors"-log related to the rebuild. It does not matter if I ignore the compiler errors or edit the ODataService.cs file to not give any errors. The process still just stops without any message or log entry.

181 posts


The ODataService.cs is supposed to be deleted when upgrading to .Net 4.5.1, at least if it's a Web Application Project (don't remember the details at the moment. Can check tomorrow if you don't get it working before then). Could you delete the OdataService.cs file, run the site and try to rebuild to see if that helps?



58 posts

Well.. I do not have it in my project - it's being generated at rebuild.

181 posts

Ok, good.. That's how it's supposed to be.

Another thing to try is to use the web.config file from one of the demo sites. If the web.config has been tweaked for several .net version, sometimes old stuff is left that causes problems. 


If that doesn't help, I think we would need to see the problem. Could you send us the site through to Or we could arrange a session. 



58 posts

I will send you an email with a live link. :) I will check the web.config from the demo site.

58 posts

Last update for the evening: Did a full upgrade of the whole project so that every library has a new version and the config-file has been cleaned. The problem I have now, is that I cannot get any dialogs to appear. Tried to clear the cache for all frames in case of "stuck" js/css, but no luck. The only dialog I have been able to see is the "Settings"-dialog in the system-module.

I thought there was a problem with signalR, because I kept getting localhost:xxx/signalr/hubs 404 errors. Got that out of the way, but still not working.. :(

58 posts

Kind of giving up for now, but I was able to move things along by using the /waf/setup rebuild option. :) so not so stuck anymore, but very eager to get the edit rebuild to work again. :)

58 posts

Hi guys! I am still having problems with the dialogues/workflows in edit. I have uploaded a new version of the site to include all the fixes I did locally to try to get rid of the problem, so at least the errors you found the last time around should now be gone. :)