It has taken a little while to get here, but we're very excited to release the version 6 of Relatude with full .Net 6 support. We have been working on various alpha and beta versions over the last few months, and we are thrilled with the improvements in .Net 6. And now you can use them in your Relatude projects!
This is perhaps our biggest release ever. Large parts of the code-base has been modernized and optimized. Thousands of code files have been changed. More than 100 000 lines of Webforms code has been removed.
The installation process is now very smooth:

There are many highlights in this release:
- Better tooling. See our installation video using the DotNet CLI to install a working copy of Relatude in a couple of minutes.
- Better performance. While Relatude always have had extremely fast pageviews due to the intelligent cache, .Net 6 improves performance without any code changes. A blog post later will look in detail on the performance benefits of .Net 6.
- Better architecture. .Net 6 (and earlier .Net Core versions) have a more modern architecture out of the box. The most in-your-face change is the usage of Dependency Injection (DI). While you could use DI on .Net Framework, .Net 6 makes it the default way.
One of the side benefits that we are most excited about, is the cross platform support in .Net 6. This flexibility is good both for development, but also for hosting. Linux hosting is generally cheaper, and on Azure the costs are very different.
See the installation documentation to get started with Relatude 6.
We are very interested in feedback on this new version. We continue our continuous improvements, and your feedback helps us prioritize what we do.