We are having some issues with site stability.
One template deals with a file archive which consists of a lot of images, so there's a lot of re-scaling going on. A feature that will rotate an image (using the Webnodes library) is also in place. The site will consistently hang if an image is rotated (by the request of a user).
In the course of our investigation we have been made aware of that the classes in System.Drawing can cause site stability issues. This is specifically mentioned under https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.drawing.aspx:
Classes within the System.Drawing namespace are not supported for use within a Windows or ASP.NET service. Attempting to use these classes from within one of these application types may produce unexpected problems, such as diminished service performance and run-time exceptions. For a supported alternative, see Windows Imaging Components.
Hence, I was wondering if Webnodes internally utilizes System.Drawing for re-scaling or rotation, or utilizes any libraries that themselves make use of this namespace.