Below is an overview of all the built in monochrome icons you can use in the datamodel to separate the different content types in the edit UI. Refer to the icon by removing the number and dash, and the file extension:

NOTE: There is now a new icons browser built-in in the edit UI:

( We have added color icons too now)
Example: "0123-bed.png" has the name "bed" in the definition module:

Tip: You may also specify your own SVG for an icon. Simply type the full SVG text into the Icon SVG field.
Example SVG:
1: <svg viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path d="M17.5 18h-1c-0.276 0-0.5-0.224-0.5-0.5s0.224-0.5 0.5-0.5h1c0.276 0 0.5 0.224 0.5 0.5s-0.224 0.5-0.5 0.5z"></path><path d="M2.5 18h-1c-0.276 0-0.5-0.224-0.5-0.5s0.224-0.5 0.5-0.5h1c0.276 0 0.5 0.224 0.5 0.5s-0.224 0.5-0.5 0.5z"></path><path d="M18.658 11.393l-2.368-7.103c-0.199-0.596-0.768-1.086-1.388-1.24-0.022-0.095-0.046-0.186-0.074-0.27-0.227-0.68-0.616-0.781-0.828-0.781h-4c-0.127 0-0.318 0.037-0.5 0.213-0.182-0.176-0.373-0.213-0.5-0.213h-4c-0.212 0-0.601 0.102-0.828 0.781-0.028 0.084-0.053 0.174-0.074 0.27-0.621 0.154-1.19 0.643-1.388 1.24l-2.368 7.103c-0.192 0.575-0.342 1.501-0.342 2.107v2c0 0.827 0.673 1.5 1.5 1.5h16c0.827 0 1.5-0.673 1.5-1.5v-2c0-0.606-0.15-1.532-0.342-2.107zM10.157 3h3.686c0.070 0.157 0.157 0.514 0.157 1s-0.087 0.843-0.157 1h-3.686c-0.070-0.157-0.157-0.514-0.157-1s0.087-0.843 0.157-1zM5.157 3h3.686c0.070 0.157 0.157 0.514 0.157 1s-0.087 0.843-0.157 1h-3.686c-0.070-0.157-0.157-0.514-0.157-1s0.087-0.843 0.157-1zM3.658 4.607c0.054-0.162 0.185-0.317 0.345-0.429 0.014 0.388 0.072 0.752 0.169 1.041 0.227 0.68 0.616 0.781 0.828 0.781h4c0.127 0 0.318-0.037 0.5-0.213 0.182 0.176 0.373 0.213 0.5 0.213h4c0.212 0 0.601-0.102 0.828-0.781 0.096-0.289 0.155-0.654 0.169-1.041 0.16 0.113 0.291 0.267 0.345 0.429l0.798 2.393h-13.279l0.798-2.393zM2.527 8h13.946l1.236 3.709c0.032 0.095 0.062 0.204 0.091 0.321-0.097-0.020-0.197-0.030-0.3-0.030h-16c-0.103 0-0.203 0.010-0.3 0.030 0.029-0.117 0.059-0.226 0.091-0.321l1.237-3.709zM18 15.5c0 0.276-0.224 0.5-0.5 0.5h-16c-0.276 0-0.5-0.224-0.5-0.5v-2c0-0.276 0.224-0.5 0.5-0.5h16c0.276 0 0.5 0.224 0.5 0.5v2z"></path></svg>