File and folder structure

This section gives an overview of the website folder structure.

  • The WAF applications stores most of its files in the “WAF” folder. You should never really need to access this folder unless you are creating your own edit modules.
  • The content types you define will have its C# class files generated in the App_Code folder.
  • WAF Template files or your own .aspx files can be created anywhere but we normally put them in the “Templates” folder.
  •  There is not fixed location for style sheets, script files or images. Use whatever structure you find most suitable. We normally put all these files under the “Templates” folder.

Here is a quick glance:

 folder_structure_overview     ASP.Net folder. WAF uses folder to overrides certain web control methods
ASP.Net folder. WAF saves class files for content types here
ASP.Net folder. WAF stores the search index here
ASP.Net folder. WAF stores the default skin for edit mode here
ASP.Net folder. WAF stores the WAF.dll and other components here
WAF folder. Directs all request to “/edit” to "WAF/edit/main/default.apx"
Optional. Typical folder name for storing templates
WAF system folder. Contains all files needed to run WAF.
Optional. Not really in use as most requests are directed to a template
ASP.Net file. Here you configure WAF db connection and the master user.

A more detailed view


ASP.Net folder. WAF uses folder to overrides certain web control methods
ASP.Net folder. WAF saves class files for content types here
This folder contains auto generated code by WAF. Do not edit files here.
Each namespace gets its own folder. Do not edit files here.
Each content class gets its own class file. Do not edit files here.

This folder contains files you can modify to change or extend content classes
Each namespace gets its own folder
One file is created for each content class. Add your custom class code here.

ASP.Net folder.
ASP.Net folder. WAF uses a HTML editor from Telerik. Here are the editor dictionaries.
This folder is used to store the WAF Text Search index. (The engine is based on Lucene)
If you are using the SQL Express in Visual Studio then this is normally the database file.
ASP.Net folder. WAF stores the default skin for edit mode here.
ASP.Net folder. WAF stores the WAF.dll and other components here
WAF folder. Directs all request to “/edit” to “WAF/edit/main/default.apx” WAF folder. Optional. Typical folder name for storing templates. You may use any other folder.
Optional. Typical folder name for stylesheets. You may use any folder name you like.
Optional. Typical folder for storing images referred to by style sheets.
Typical filename for css file used in HTML editor.
Typical location of css file used by visit templates.
Templates files can put anywhere but are normally located here.
This is a template file for the login page
You may use the ASP.Net master page system for templates.
WAF system folder. Contains all files needed to run WAF.
WAF client script files. Mostly used by the Edit interface.
Folder for workflow dialogues files.
Folder containing a subfolder for each edit module.
Folder for storing WAF files with data specific this installation
Icons for all defined content classes
The files for each content file field
Definition XML files
Log files
WAF Temporary files. Can be deleted.
Temporary location for files during upload in WAF
Folder for storing miscellaneous WAF handler files
Folder for storing miscellaneous WAF service files
WAF setup folder. Can be opened directly using localhost or via the System Menu
Internal WAF skin folder for edit controls
WAF folder used for storing miscellaneous files for visit side functions
Optional file. Could be a template file, but can also be empty and not in use.
ASP.Net Configuration file. Contain WAF db connection and other settings