Upgrading to the new Edit UI

The upgrade to any build number later than 2000 includes the new Edit UI. This upgrade is 100% backwards compatible and the old edit UI you are used to, will work as before. The backend API is still there so all template code, workflows etc. will also work as before.

The update includes a totally new server API, a new Web API, and a completely new edit UI written in typescript and react. 

For now our focus is getting eveyone updated to the new edit UI. We will release more information on the new server API and SPA type applications and headless architecture you can build with the new API's later this year.

Because of all the new functionality this update is a bit more involved, but no code rewrite shoule be necessary. Follow these steps carefully and you should be up and running soon. As always: do not hesitate to contact us if you run into problems or have questions. Developer support is free!

Setting up the environment and preparing for the update:

  • Ensure you got a backup
  • Install the latest Relatude Setup program. If you already have installed the setup program it should update automatically when you run it (using ClickOnce). If you have not already installed it you download it HERE
  • De-install the Webnodes/Relatude Visual Studio plugin. Look for "Tools / Extension and Updates" in the VS menu.
  • Close all running instances of Visual Studio.
  • Install the new Relatude Visual Studio plugin from the Webnodes/Relatude Setup program. Second main button with bold types. ( The new plugin will work with both new and old types of projects )
  • From now on, we only support Web Application type projects and not Website projects. If your installation is of the type "Website project" you must convert it. There is a tool in the menu of the Setup program that does this for you. The conversion is not perfect, but it should save you a lot of time. Search the internet for how to convert from Websites to Web application projects, if you need help with this, or contact us. It should be possible to convert any site.

Running the update:

  • Make sure the project is closed in Visual Studio
  • Follow the normal update procedure. Click the Update button, select the root folder, select a build later than 2000 and run it.

After the update

  • Open the project in Visual Studio
  • Change your project to target .Net framework version 4.7.1 in Visual Studio. You do this by right clicking the project icon in the solution explorer. 
  • Open the content.definition in the root of your website and save it to regenerate the model files, new controllers etc.
  • The location of conten files have changed so you MUST move this folder with its content. Move it using the windows file explorer, not Visual Studio. The folder should not be referenced in the project file. Move this:

"WAF/Files/Content"  ->  "App_Data/WAF/Content/Files"

  • Delete "WAF/Edit/Definitions"  (with all content) Using Visual Studio
  • Delete "WAF/Dialogues/Definitions" (with all content) Using Visual Studio
  • Delete "WAF/Files/Definitions" (with all content) Using Visual Studio
  • Update/Install the latest NuGet package: "Relatude.Server"
  • Add the following statement to your global.asax.cs file:
System.Web.Http.GlobalConfiguration.Configure(config => { 

  After this your global.asax.cs should look something like this:

using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Routing;
namespace FrameworkMVCRazor
    public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication {
        public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters) {
            filters.Add(new HandleErrorAttribute());
        protected void Application_Start() {
            System.Web.Http.GlobalConfiguration.Configure(config => { 


That's it! You should now be able to build and run your project.

Once it is up and running you must log into the old edit UI with an admin user and enable the "Web API" to activate the new UI. It is found at the bottom of the installation settings. ( Open Settings in System meny in the system module ) . Access the new UI at "/relatude". The old will continue to work as before at "edit". Finally we recommened you re-index your search index.

NB! After the initial update to the new UI, all updates are done using Nuget (Relatude.Server).